01 - Evolv Engineering

What would
you build

Solving for the next generation of intelligent, sustainable 
and resilient digital buildings.

Build with Evolv

Our team specializes in digital building
solutions for projects of all purposes.

02 - For The Built Environment

Now more than ever, urban communities need multipurpose hubs that are self-reliant, cost-efficient, and sustainable. But to evolve with certainty, we need to build digital-first.

Building types we specialize in:

Life Sciences
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03 - What we’re solving

Uncover the digital
of your buildings

Using new data-driven methodologies and technologies, we engineer tailored digital building solutions that can meaningfully reshape our relationship with the built environment.


Replace the obsolete technologies inside most buildings today.


Improve the 100+ avoidable construction deficiencies within 80% of new buildings.


Help the average building save up to 15% of its energy through optimized O&M activities.

04 - How We Do It

Push bolder breakthroughs with
tech-driven efficiency.

By putting technology, data and analytics at the forefront of what we do, we can
accurately define how digital buildings should be designed, made and operated for
maximum efficiency.


Focused strategy workshops to understand how to win in the digital building space, and plan an efficient journey with the right kinds of technology.


Explore your buildings’ current capabilities with a thorough assessment of automation systems, lighting, meters, networks, and other digital building technologies.


Get Evolv as your official technology contractor and owner’s representative on upgrade projects or new developments. We’ll lead your design workshops, review system designs, and help you choose the right tech.

Project Management

Ensure your digital building strategy is perfectly executed. We’ll step in to manage and coordinate with your contractors and vendors, and certify project completion to prepare for handover.

Product Advisory

Advance your PropTech product with our digital building experience. Develop your go-to-market strategy, review & improve your product features, and get sales & business development coaching tailored to your product.

05 - Our Thought Leadership

The Evolv+ Journal

Read our take on the latest projects, tech, and trends in the community.

06 - About us

Shaking the art of the possible for
100+ projects and developments.

Evolv has supported ambitious projects through various phases of design and construction.

Royal Bank Plaza, Toronto
Victoria House, London
Sony Centre, Berlin
Square One Shopping Centre, Mississauga

We’ve built with the best

The team behind Evolv has supported ambitious projects through various phases of design and construction.

07 - Contact

Build different with Evolv - Build different with Evolv - Build different with Evolv - Build different with Evolv

Ready to Build

Thank you for reaching out! Someone from our team will be in touch shortly